With the popularity in today's world of working remotely over the internet, chances are you're either managing employees working from home now or will shortly be approached by a potential employee wishing to do so. Traditional mindsets usually shy from this type of employee due to the perceived lack of control over the situation. It's important to remember that not every employee thrives under the traditional arrangement. Giving parents of young children, for example, the opportunity to work with a flexible schedule allows them greater satisfaction with their work. This in turn will provide the employer with increased output and employee loyalty. To manage remote workers though, and keep the worker connected to the company and their peers, there must be some guidelines set. Distinct goals, scheduled check-ins, and staff meeting attendance either by phone or via an online meeting. Frequent communication is key.
Bobbi J. Meneely, CPA
Passionate about helping clients achieve personal financial & business goals. Archives
January 2021
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